The Digital Era Makes PR Work More Colorful

PRINDONESIA.CO | Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Tak ada satu jurus pun yang ampuh untuk menyelesaikan suatu persoalan.

There is a particular reason behind the theme “Building Public Trust through Digital Literacy”. According to Asmono Wikan, the founder and CEO of PR INDONESIA, the opening theme for the series of events of PR INDONESIA Jamboree (JAMPIRO) was chosen because it’s relevant with the condition that is happening among PR practitioners today.


BALI, PRINDONESIA.CO – Asmono said, the continuous change that is happening in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is interesting to study. “This dynamic change makes us difficult to design a plan,” he said, opening the conference session of JAMPIRO #5 in Bali on Tuesday (29/10/2019).

There are so many changes that can be easily forgotten. No doubt, a simple short eye-catching message encourages the clickbait phenomenon. PR work is getting more challenging. Especially in designing PR campaign strategy. “An instant and hurried world. On the other hand, PR must maintain trust,” he said. “There’s no single most effective technique in solving a problem, but it takes a variety of techniques. PR work feels even more tiring,” he said.

In the midst of this chaos, there is an important lesson that can be learned by PR practitioners. That communicating is not as easy as expected. Communicating is not only delivering messages to the public through various media platforms. “Managing communication, especially digital communication needs technical and strategic skill, as well as emotional intelligence,” Asmono added.

In conclusion, he encouraged all participants to adapt, keep learning so that they can keep up with the world. And in turn, it can give more color to the work of PR. (rtn)