Don’t Just Pursue Technology in the 4.0 Era

PRINDONESIA.CO | Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Teknlogi itu hanya berdasarkan pada logika semata. Sementara manusia memiliki logika, estetika dan etika.

Do you still remember Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution? “Those who are able to survive are not the strongest or the smartest, but the ablest to adapt.” According to Mohammad Nuh, Chairperson of the Press Council, the theory aptly illustrates the era of disruption we are facing today.

BALI, PRINDONESIA.CO – M. Nuh who was speaking at the conference session in PR INDONESIA Jamboree (JAMPIRO) #5 in Bali on Tuesday (29/10/2019) gave his view on the effect of digitalization on the dynamics of the press and the challenges of media literacy.

According to him, the fast-rolling change that makes the world more complex is inevitable.  Just like what Ian Goldin said in his book called Age of Discover. In the book, Goldin revealed the fact that social complexity grows faster compared to cognitive capacity. This condition creates a blind zone. Or, a mystery that is unknown to humans.

Just like when the world enters the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is physical-cyber. “I call it supernatural,” he added quickly, “But supernatural here doesn’t mean it’s inexistent. It still exists, but it’s imaginary,” he said.

In other words, technological developments in the 4.0 era play a large role in removing the barrier between space and time. Even so, what needs to be emphasized is the change in speed brought by both technology and science is temporary or easily.

The digitalization era also brings a big impact and change in the media industry. To address this matter, M. Nuh with the Press Council divided media functions into the 4E + 1N formula, such as public education function, empowerment, enlightenment, entertainment, and as a whole it boils down to the interest of nationalism.

Human Competence

Meanwhile, to public relations (PR) practitioners, M. Nuh urged that this change should not be addressed merely to pursue technology but also to continue to prepare themselves by focusing on matters related to human expertise. “Technology is only based on logic. But, human expertise that focuses on communication, leadership, resilience, high curiosity, understanding, and reading skill,” he said.

M. Nuh continued, human doesn’t only has logic, but also aesthetic and ethic. “If we can explore those powers, then any change can be pursued,” he added.

The man who was appointed as the Minister of Communication and Informatics also advised PR as an extension of information of the company/agency to the public is able to change the mindset. First, change the existence of internal media from media literacy to information literation data. Second, change the hindsight mindset to the foresight mindset (predictive-anticipative). Third, build a higher-order thinking culture. Fourth, build an innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem or innopreneurship. Fifth, integrity of competencies which include character, expertise, and knowledge. (ais)