The theme of disruption appeared at the Disrupto event organized by WIR Group. For three days in Jakarta from 22 – 24 November 2019, carious warm disruption in the face of the earth was discussed thoroughly, including the disruptions in the public relations (PR) industry.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – According to Almira Shinantya, Managing Director of DM ID Group, a member of WIR Group, what distinguishes PR from then and now is that companies/agencies tend to use a third party (PR agency) to do campaigns, build relations with the media, and handle crises. Now, every company/institution can voice its voice directly by using the existence of social media or other digital platforms.
However, on the other hand, the existence of social media also brings its own challenges for PR in building brand awareness. At least, PR must compete with various digital platforms to attract public attention. “This is disruption,” she said when met by PR INDONESIA in between the DISRUPTO event titled “The Future of Humanity” in Jakarta on Friday (22/11/2019).
This condition then requires PR agents to offer more value to their customers, strengthen the ability to create communication, understand brand value from the related company. So that every communication strategy carried out by PR is able to give positive impacts to the company.
Therefore, a PR figure who does not only understand the world of communication is needed. More than that, mastering the industry they are in, how the business is running, the latest trends, so they are able to build a good relationship with the government, and understand the customers’ behavior. According to her, these competencies do not only apply to PR agencies or PR practitioners in the internal of the company, but all those who engage in the creative industry must really understand it as a whole.
Set Strategy
The key to achieving all of that is to keep learning. Almira believed there’s always room for growth if we want to learn. Because the biggest challenge faced by a brand/company in the disruption era is that everything continues to move and change so quickly without us knowing. Like a marathon runner, PR is required to set a strategy – able to manage speed, know when to stop, rest, slow down, and walk. “So, even we have to be fast, we must measure the right speed that is most appropriate for us to be sustainable,” she said firmly.
Almira then shared tips in building a corporate brand in the midst of an era of disruption. First, understand and master the core value of the brand. “Everything revolves around that,” she said. Second, understand again what the brand’s original purpose as. Third, know the strength, the values, and the personality of the brand that want to be showed. Then, create relevant communication content with purpose and brand essence.
She also encouraged PR practitioners to improve their skills so that there are no obstacles while crossing the sea of disruption, such as try to think far more strategically in seeing problems. Not only seeing hat is being faced right now, but a few steps back and forward. “Looking back in terms of brand purpose and value. Previously these were already there,” she said. The purpose is to look back to where the roots of everything and to predict the future to achieve the target and sustain. (ais)
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