The classic slogan: Content is king, which has been used by print and online media publishers, especially journalists, also seems to be used by social media content creators.
BATAM, PRINDONESIA.CO – Faiz Rahman, Head of Public Relations Publication Division of Wet Java Provincial Government, viewed that the classic formulation of content is still lacking. “It needs to be added with collaboration is queen,” he said in front of 56 public relations practitioners (PR) who attended the 2020 PR INDONESIA Outlook (PRIO) in Batam on Tuesday (10/12/2019).
He then described the importance of collaboration with West Java’s city governments when dealing with a crisis that hit the Government of West Java Province. Through this kind of collaboration, negative issues that arise among netizens can be neutralized.
Social media account collaboration is not only to manage negative issues but also can be used to promote destinations or organizational policies. Such as when the West Java Provincial Government campaigned for the activation plan for the Bandung – Pangandaran train route. “The engagement of the story can reach 100k, especially if we combine the photos with unique captions,” Faiz added.
The creative way to gain a high engagement is done by the Public Relations of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. They have weekly targets that must be achieved. For example, getting more than 1.500 likes on Instagram. The ministry’s Instagram account has indeed evolved from less than 40k to 300k followers in December.
Ariana Soemanto, Head of Public Relations Division of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said that communication styles of utilizing momentum can contribute to the growth of followers and significant engagement. Such as when the movie Dilan was popular, they use the movie to create a message “Energi berkea-Dilan” (fair energy). According to Ariana, the most effective engagement is through quizzes, especially if the prize is large.
Now, the ministry’s social media strategy is more directed to provide added value. For example, by creating an off-line activity called #Ruang Energi for the netizens who are invited via social media, then learn together about creativity on social media. “We do this every Saturday, as a manifestation of our added value to the community,” Ariana said.
In Singue Kilatmata’s perspective, Strategy and Content Development Manager of Telkomsel, PR practitioner indeed needs to create content agendas, he called it Content Pillar, so that the effect of communication is maximal. In his company, he divided the content agenda that consists of corporate events, special theme, people, CSR, region birthday, and festive (holiday and international days greetings). “The key to the success of the content in order to get high engagement is to connect with the product,” he said.
Singue also advised PR to be careful when campaigning on social media. “Because after all, it relates to the corporate’s content, the language of the content on social media needs to be regulated so that it is not biased,” Singue concluded. (asw)
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