2019 was so turbulent with the dynamics of national politics because of the legislative and presidential elections. The energy of some public relations (PR) practitioners was drained in the political contestation. What about the PR trend in 2020?
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The dynamics of national politics which happening throughout 2019 did have a quite strong influence on PR practitioners in designing their PR programs. Some restraint themselves, but there are also those who dare to use the political momentum to grab the attention of the audience for their corporation/organization. This kind of story will still possibly appear in 2020, although the intensity is not as high as in 2019. The reason is that in 2020, simultaneous regional elections will take place in 270 cities/districts/provinces.
Whatever it is, continuing the issues and dynamics that are developing this year, in 2020 it seems that the world of PR will still be tinged with issues surrounding the use of big data and the further effects of the disruption phenomenon. PR INDONESIA gathered several insights that will hopefully be used as a reference for PR practitioners in Indonesia to create more effective and optimal PR programs.
First, the data will be a new best friend. As reported by www.mediaupdate.co.za, since digital has become an integral part of everyday life, then interpreting data is an important skill for every PR professional. In 2020, data will play a greater role than before. This will be needed to guide PR efforts, measure the impact and determine the value of PR comprehensively. In 2020, PR will be greatly influenced by in-depth and precise data, changing the way campaigns are made, run, and evaluated. So that next year, there will be many more highly focused PR campaigns that are designed to reach a specific audience.
Second, more focused on PR specialists. As consumers become increasingly critical of marketing, PR professionals will receive more pressure. In 2020, there will be more PR agencies that focus on one industry. PR agencies’ work is also getting more specific. If it happens, the phenomenon of specialist advertising agencies that began to grow in the early 2000s will repeat.
Quality Content
Third, PR will be a part of the strategic marketing campaign. As many public relations companies will become specialists, then PR activities will be more integrated into the marketing function. The boundaries between PR and marketing will vanish. PR practitioners and marketing will work together, share their knowledge of the 2020 trends, and collaborate to produce success.
Fourth, emotions become the focus. The world is now increasingly governed by an algorithm and electronic devices, which means that PR needs to have “human” elements to stay relevant when sharing a message. In order to be a “proof of the future”, PR practitioners need to deliver relevant content. To quote www.bluedoor.agency, in 2020 there will be more demand for relevant and authentic quality stories and content. Trust will play an even more important role in the success of a business and its relationship with the public.
And fifth, PR must be the strategic function of management. The increasingly complex challenges of PR work make PR must be in a strategic position in front of the management. This is so that PR practitioners have adequate authority to execute strategic PR programs, to become a reliable spokesperson for the management, and able to manage sufficient budgets.
In the end, in the midst of a speed race, the desire to get the most attention, it takes effort to get out of those traps. This is so that the message being communicated looks different so that it has a clear positioning for the audience. In short, looking for a “quiet space” among the crowd is a choice that is worth a try next year, so that PR campaigns are really effective, relevant, credible, and glorify human so that public attention can be attained. Welcome to 2020. Happy new year!
- 2020 PR Trend: Authentic, Relevant, and Humanist
- Speak Wisely
- Communication Harmony
- Relevant Communications