Juli Jajuli - PT DAHANA (Persero) Public Relations Manager: Outgoing

PRINDONESIA.CO | Thursday, June 25, 2020
Kesan supel terlihat dari sosok Juli Jajuli
Dok. Pribadi

The company that is engaged in the explosives industry such as PT DAHANA (Persero) is often attached to a terrifying perception. However, that impression is far from the figure of Juli Jajuli, DAHANA's Public Relations Manager.

JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO –Juli Jajuli, or Kang Juli, is actually a person who is good at breaking the ice. We caught this impression when we interviewed him via telephone on Wednesday (20/5/2020). He understood when we said that. The man who has another nickname, JJS, which stands for Juli Jajuli Sejuli-julinya even need several years to get rid of that impression.

His efforts got even more difficult when the issue of terrorism surfaced. DAHANA would definitely be in the news. He was not afraid. According to him, where there are challenges, there are opportunities. "This condition actually became a momentum for us to explain about the safety of the explosives we produce," said the man who was born in Pandeglang, Banten.

The efforts that he made were fruitful. Slowly but surely, the public's perception of DAHANA has shifted to a company known as a producer of safe and environmentally friendly explosives. This reputation building step is in line with the company's vision and mission. "The DAHANA building was also built with a green and environmentally friendly concept," said Juli. "We are also actively doing CSR. This activity also aims to build public understanding about DAHANA," he added.

Meanwhile, to consumers, they are aggressively building a perception as a technology company. According to the man who graduated as a Bachelor of Communication at Mercu Buana University, this is in line with DAHANA's core business as a producer of explosives for general mining, the quarry sector, and construction.


Outgoing is another character that sticks to Juli's persona. For him, an outgoing attitude is one of the provisions of public relations in communicating both with internal and external parties. "Communicate in an egalitarian way to enter all circles," he said.

According to Juli, the ability to carry yourself well can make it easier for public relations to get access to anywhere. Including, to the main director or when dealing with reporters.

In order to get richer insights, PR must expand relationships and be good at interacting with practitioners from across professions. Meanwhile, to improve his skills and find out about the latest dynamics on public relations, he actively joins public relations forums such as FH BUMN and PERHUMAS. Juli also joined other forums outside the field of public relations, namely the blogger community. 

Juli is not only known as a fan of writing but also has an interest in the world of public speaking. The owner of the www.seruputkopipanas.com blog account channels his public speaking skills through a YouTube channel with the same name, Seruput Kopi Panas. On his channel, he often shares motivational videos.

In the future, he hopes Seruput Kopi Panas can develop into a training institution in the communication, social, economic, and religious fields. Currently, Seruput Kopi Panas is in the preparation stage to become a book. "In the future, this institution is expected to be able to provide more benefits to many people," said Juli who has the principle of being a creative dreamer. (rvh)