Busyra Oryza, Pegipegi: Skateboarding and Archery

PRINDONESIA.CO | Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Penting bagi PR untuk memahami proses bisnis serta objektif dari perusahaan yang menaunginya.
Dok. Pribadi

Engaging in skateboarding and archery has taught Busyra the meaning of persistence, focus, and calm in responding to every challenge. 

JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Busyra never thought he would tie his heart to public relations (PR). Initially, Busyra Oryza, Corporate Communications Manager of Pegipegi, dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur.   

However, three times he did internships in the PR department, each time his heart became more and more hooked. Previously, Busyra had interned at Fortune PR, UNESCO Indonesia, and Traveloka. “Taking internships in three different industries has taught and opened my horizons about the world of PR. Starting from media monitoring, even organizing, press release making, to dealing with crises," he told PR INDONESIA through a virtual interview on Wednesday (8/5/2020). 

After his internship at Traveloka, he ventured to become a permanent employee at the company as a content writer. A year later, he was appointed as PR Manager.