There’s no time period that can guarantee the success of a behavior change campaign. In fact, a one-year campaign will not necessarily be successful if it is not supported by real actions in the form of implementation, consequences, and consistency.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – So, this is a bold step taken by the government through the Covid-19 Task Force when decided to carry out a 3M campaign, namely memakai masker (wearing a mask), mencuci tangan pakai sabun (washing hands with soap), and menjaga jarak (maintaining distance) in a short span of time - three months until December 2020. What is the goal? To encourage behavior change down to the grassroots.
Surely, this decision has gone through a lot of consideration. Moreover, the situation at hand is unusual and demands a change in behavior that cannot wait. This decision is also in line with the evaluation over the past five months. The results show that basically most people already understand the health protocol or 3M. However, only less than 60 percent are willing to comply with it.
This factor causes the number of positive cases of Covid-19 to continue to increase. "In fact, 30 percent of the people in Jakarta are too confident as if they are unlikely to be infected," said Suryopratomo when interviewed by PR INDONESIA via telephone on Monday (9/7/2020), who is a member of the Public Communications Team of the Covid-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force, concerned.
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