Round Up: How Important is Communications Audit?

PRINDONESIA.CO | Saturday, September 25, 2021
Sejatinya, audit komunikasi dilakukan untuk mengukur efisiensi dan efektivitas suatu kegiatan atau program komunikasi.

A communication audit is a form of a comprehensive evaluation of the communication process of an institution/corporation. Unfortunately, not many PR practitioners have audited communication for various reasons. 

JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – At least, that is the picture obtained by PR INDONESIA when conducting a quantitative survey to 60 respondents, all of who have a background in professional public relations (PR) from across agencies/corporations. Of the total respondents, 37% stated that they had conducted a communication audit in the last five years. While 63% of the respondent have never done a communication audit. 

Both respondents who have or have not conducted a communication audit generally agree that a communication audit can be conducted if it has full support from the leadership. In addition, it requires the same perception and understanding from the top to a bottom level about the benefits and impact of communication audits for business sustainability. 

Actually, a communication audit is conducted to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of an activity or communication program. By assessing the quality of information that is being communicated, measuring the quality of a relationship, describing the communication patterns that occur both in organizational groups and external stakeholders related to topics, sources, channels, frequency, time period, to the quality of interaction. Including, providing recommendations on changes that need to be made.