Her intention to participate in various competitions in the field of public relations (PR) is not aimed at winning as many trophies as possible, it’s more of her sincerity to have a positive impact on others.
Esty Nadya Rafyanti - ICON PR INDONESIA 2020-2021
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Although only by telephone, Esty Nadya Rafyanti, the woman who has just been selected as the top five ICON PR INDONESIA 2020 - 2021 was very enthusiastic about telling her story. She started participating in broadcast competitions in 2015. At that time, luck was not on her side.
Defeat did not dampen her spirits. Esty then joined her two friends in participating in the National PR competition held by the University of Muhammadiyah, Malang, with the Premiere team flag. Unexpectedly, her team won first place. Since then, they have regularly won PR competitions at the student level.
Esty said her main motivation to participate in the competition was to have a positive impact on others.
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