JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO - This statement was conveyed by the Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya while attending the 2018 End of Year Press Conference (JPAT) in Jakarta (20/12/2018). According to him, PR and Marketing Communication are not only have a relationship in building reputation, but also generate revenue.
However, he continued, there are three things that must be considered. First, positioning. "We must know what is in people's minds when we call a brand. This is related to our understanding of customers," Arief said. Second, differentiation. "Words that are often termed with unique selling points can distinguish us from competitors," he added. Third, branding. Namely, concerning the promise of products to customers that must be actualized.
Another strategy that is just as important is co-branding. This step must be ensured that both parties receive the benefit. Arif called it "fishing in other people's fish ponds", such as promoting through outdoor media such as bus stops, buses and taxis. The Ministry of tourism itself has promoted the Wonderful Indonesia brand on bus stops in Melbourne and Singapore, on buses and taxis in New York Time Square, United States; Eiffel, France; and London, England.
In addition to those is maximizing the function of social media, especially to embrace the millennial generation. As a result, the brand Wonderful Indonesia was able to surpass Amazing Thailand and Malaysia Truly Asia at the regional level. (rvh)
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