The development of global communication has been happening massively. The communication technology becomes a vocal concern in connectivity, both between individuals and organizations.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The statement above was delivered by Djoko Setiadi, Head of the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) while speaking in the Cyber Literacy Public Lecture “Care When You Share, How to Secure Cyber Protection” on Friday (10/5/2019) at LSPR Jakarta. The public lecture that aimed for the students of LSPR Jakarta is a form of cybersecurity literacy for the millennial generation, Djoko explained about global communication development which now has been happening massively. Communication technology now becomes a vocal concern in connectivity, both between individuals and organizations. The use of social media is one of the things that grow rapidly.
In fact, social media users in Indonesia has reached 150 million users which spread to various media, such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and various social media platform. The existence of various social media platforms surely becomes the most favorite choice to disseminate various kinds of information easily and fast.
Hoax is not an unfamiliar thing when it comes to the dissemination of information. Generally, hoaxes are caused by two things, which are misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is a form of false information or incorrectly interpreting information that is received by someone. Misinformation usually disseminates without any purpose. Even the person who disseminates the information is not necessarily aware that what they share are hoaxes. Disinformation is information that is intentionally made with incorrect information. The information is deliberately manipulated with the aim that the actual facts are covered, spreading misinformation, or even to gain the benefits of certain parties. “This is sometimes underestimated by most people, even though it can lead to a crime,” Djoko said.
More about hoaxes, we need to know that in the realm of cyber every activity that we do will leave a digital footprint. Digital footprint is virtually recorded information that is difficult or even impossible to delete. Digital footprint can be in the form of program codes which can be reconstructed to become readable information. The valuable message that Djoko wanted to convey to the students was to act wisely in utilizing technology, especially social media. Think before uploading and sharing, that was the right word to describe how we should act on social media. “Make sure that we only share positive and useful things to create a conducive environment in the cyberspace realm,” he asked.
Furthermore, Djoko Setiadi gave tips and tricks to act safely in the cyberspace. Such as not to easily provide personal information to anyone, delete browser history and cache, check secure connection (HTTPS), pay close attention to privacy policy offered by service provider, be careful when downloading applications, use data encryption, and always think before you click because every step in the cyber world will have long consequences. (rvh)
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