The massive development of social media began to shift the practices of media relations. What's the change like?
By Ilham Akbar, PR practitioner, alumni of Communication Studies es at Serang Jaya University.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – In the past, public relations (PR) practitioners only knew about the mainstream media as stakeholders. In addition, today’s PR cannot rely on old-fashioned patterns such as holding media gatherings or media visits to build engagement.
PR is now required to innovate to produce various strategies in building relationships. Not only with the mainstream media but also bloggers, vloggers, influencers. Moreover, today's society tends to trust and listen more to information from influencers or key opinion leaders (KOL).
Other important things to know, the routine approach that is taken by public relations does not necessarily make reporting related to the organization to go smoothly as expected. Do not rule out the possibility that there are still media that preach about the negative image of the institution/corporation where we work.
Therefore, it is better for public relations to be able to maximize the existence of internal influencers as corporate ambassadors. As conducted by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) which encourages the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in their environment to become influencers. With notes, they must have a minimum number of 500 followers, each on three social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
So, what should be considered by PR in creating internal influencers? First, filter the young talents who are active in social media as corporate ambassadors. Second, provide training and mentoring to ensure that those involved are uploading content that contains positive knowledge/information related to the organization, uses storytelling style, and follows the development of circulating issues. Last but not least, be consistent.
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