Entering March 2021, it has been one year since the COVID-19 pandemic was finally recognized as a bitter pill that was initially denied. Initially, this virus became a joke, not taken seriously, and even denied by decision makers.
By: Noke Kiroyan, Chairman & Chief Consultant KIROYAN PARTNERS
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The initial uncertainty might be understandable. Previously, the world had also been hit by a devastating pandemic called the "Spanish Flu" that happened over a hundred years ago (1918). This pandemic has been rampant for more than two years. A third of the world's population at that time was infected. The number of deaths from this disease was estimated to be between 20-50 million people, there were even estimated to reach 100 million people. The exact number is never known. It's been a century and there's no memory left of that time, so we "started from scratch".
Returning to the current state of affairs, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has received international praise from all corners of the world for her firm but humane handling. Her public communication was flawless. The pandemic can be overcome and life in the country in 2021 is almost back to normal.
As soon as there was confirmation of the entry of the COVID-19 virus into New Zealand, the government immediately imposed a total lockdown. Public communication was carried out non-stop. The message was clear, consistent, and easy to understand. Information flooded the public through billboards, banners, social media, pamphlets, and brochures that provided directed guidance. Each afternoon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Director-General of Health provided an update of the situation with the key message “Stay Home – Save Lives”. Although the geographical, economic, and educational conditions of Indonesia and New Zealand are clearly different, the most important lesson that can be learned from them is that public communication has received great attention from the government.
- A Year Against the Pandemic
- The War Against Hoaxes
- Information from “Insiders”
- Communicating COVID-19 Vaccine
- Miscommunication Solutions