“Insider’s information”, many believe that this type of information can be trusted. It usually comes from anyone who has access to the source of information. Now, along with the development of technology, information has become very accessible. Without permission, information comes through broadcast messages, group chats, and other social media. Unfortunately, the information that is easily accessible does not necessarily contain the truth. People are required to be more selective.
By: Edri Susilo, Public Relations Institution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia/DPP IPRAHUMA.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – In the midst of public confusion to distinguish which information is accurate, the existence of credible sources of information is very much needed. According to Jalaluddin Rahmat in the book Psikologi Komunikasi (Psychology of Communication) (2005), it is said that credibility (communicator) is a set of perceptions about the characteristics of communicators.
The credibility component consists of expertise and trust. Expertise is an impression, formed by communicants about the ability of communicators in relation to the topic being discussed. The higher the skill, the more intelligent, capable, skilled, experienced, and well trained. While trust is the communicant's impression of the communicator, regarding his character. Is it honest, dishonest, sincere, or pretentious? and so on.
In an institution, the state civil apparatus (ASN) can be a credible source of information (communicator) in conveying information about government to the public. Because ASN must have knowledge and expertise in government affairs, as mandated by Article 5 of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN.
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- Information from “Insiders”
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