There are many ways that public relations (PR) can do research.

PRINDONESIA.CO | Thursday, October 29, 2020
Dengan riset, PR akan memperoleh wawasan atau insight.

There are many ways that public relations (PR) can do research.  

JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Research is conducted to sharpen communication strategies and tactics. Starting from doing the SWOT method, namely evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Second, social listening. Both from conversations on social media and news in mass media related to our brand/company. 

Other research that can be done next is conducting online surveys to get direct insights from our target audience. "If the results of the survey are positive, it can be used as a key message, because the data will be very interesting," said Jojo S. Nugroho, Principal Imogen Communication Institute (ICI), during an online ICI training titled "PR Hacks: Making Good PR Proposals" on Wednesday (9/16/2020). 


With research, PR will gain insight. Moreover, insight can also be obtained through air journalist/journalist insight. Namely, asking journalists who have long been experienced in their respective fields/desks. 

Next, share of voice (SOV). This method is done by monitoring the news related to the activities that have been carried out by our brand/organization in recent times. According to Jojo, PR must also know the SOV of its competitors. The goal is to find out the activities they have done to avoid similarities. 

PR can also gain insight from experts on the issues we raise. "It can be done by conducting competitor reviews through search engines to map the strengths we have, as well as the reasons why the public should choose our brand over competitors," said Jojo. 

Finally, research through e-papers or big data that belongs to the media. For example, Living Data, Katadata, Lokadata, and Tirto. "50 percent of the PR proposal content should come from research. Because we will find new problems and challenges after conducting research," said Jojo who is also the Managing Director of IMOGEN PR. (ais)