The first three minutes determine the success of public speaking. Why?
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO — The statement above is stated by Ayu Kusuma, co-founder and Director of Think PR while speaking at the APPRIentice workshop organized by APPRI on Friday (16/10/2020).
In addition to the first three minutes, two other keys to success in public speaking include building intensity and engaging the audience in the events we are presenting and how to convey the message.
The first three minutes start from the greetings. Meanwhile, to build intensity and engage the audience in the event is by not getting stuck delivering the presentation behind the table or just standing still in front of the audience. "Get down from the stage, get closer to the audience so they feel involved," she said. Meanwhile, how to convey messages is related to our strategy in communicating the material.
Another thing she has to emphasize is that public speaking is not just speaking in front of the public, but it's also about body language. Smile, look the audience in the eyes as often as possible, focus on the eye and nose area of the audience, and stare more often at the audience who seems to look down on us.
Meanwhile, if you want to show a list, raise your fingers and count using your hands. If you want to point to the audience, don't use your index finger. But, raise your palms, put all of your fingers together, then point them at your intended audience.
When standing, make sure your feet are in the 10.10 o’clock position, avoiding back and forth movements or playing with your hair. Meanwhile, you should not cross your arms over your chest because it implies that you don’t want to accept input.
What if we receive negative reactions from the audience? There are three tips. Namely, increase the volume, throw questions at the audience, summarize each topic in simple sentences.
Five P
Ayu added, make sure you do the Five P's while doing public speaking. The fifth includes persuasion, pause, people, prognostication, poise. Persuasive means engaging in communication. Pause means pause to help us think clearly and breathe more regularly, especially when you suddenly feeling nervous while speaking in public. People, recognize the audience.
Prognostication, provide predictions. For example, "The material that I present is not intended to train you to be a great MC, but to foster confidence in yourself that someday you will be able to speak well in front of people." And poise means to add humor.
Another equally important is learning vocal techniques. Starting from vocal expressions, breathing to volume. (rtn)
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