Like going on a trip, it takes a lot of planning. PR practitioners are no different. They must determine the goals to be achieved when they want to write.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – To be sure, said Sally Piri, Managing Director of Arjava Strategic Communication while speaking at the APPRIentice event on Thursday (15/10/2020), the first step that must be taken by public relations (PR) is to understand, know the purpose and role of write. "Why should this article be published? What’s the purpose? Is it for reports, stories, or anything else? " she said when delivering the material titled "PR Writing: Every Word Must Have a Meaning".
According to Sally, there are at least four writing goals. First, to provide information, knowledge, or guidance. Second, to entertain by creating stories that can be enjoyed by readers. Third, invite or convince the audience to do something or agree with our ideas. Last, to release stress or fatigue.
The second step is to develop tactics to achieve key performance indicators (KPIs). “Is it to increase traffic on the company's official website or to spread information to as many media as possible through press releases?" she said, giving an example.
The third step, identifying who is the target audience you want to target. According to the woman who started her career as a journalist, PR needs to know the target audience in detail. Starting from age, gender, educational background, to industrial and institutional backgrounds. Thus, PR will send writing to the audience according to their target audience.
Fourth, selecting the communication channel that is considered the most effective. For example, via e-mail, social media, the company's official website, or the WhatsApp application. Fifth, determine the timeline and distribution related to the publishing schedule in detail. Starting from the date, month, to the time that has been determined from the beginning.
Sixth, creating content. Every writing must be factual, not based on personal interpretation, and it must contain humanist elements. In addition, the writing is able to build emotions, attachments, make people interested, and go straight to the heart. "Make sure our writing is interesting for fellow journalists," she said.
Seventh, measure the results. It can be in the form of PR value or through media monitoring both in terms of points and tone of news.
Writing Type
In addition, PR must also recognize the types of writing, including press releases, fact sheets, annual reports (vision, mission, company trip, remarks from the CEO), letters to editors (responses, clarifications), advertorials, brochures, media kits, remarks, newsletters (less than 10 pages), and inhouse magazine/internal company magazine.
According to Sally, what distinguishes a journalist's writing from a PR is that a journalist is in charge of describing an issue/incident based on sources/eyewitnesses. Meanwhile, the writing of PR aims to convince/invite the audience to do something from buying a product/brand to advocating/encouraging others to provide support. (ais)
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