Here are the Winners of the 2019 PRIA Platinum Award

PRINDONESIA.CO | Thursday, March 28, 2019
Pemenang Platinum dihiasi wajah-wajah baru.
Aisyah/PR Indonesia

There was something interesting at the PR INDONESIA Awards (PRIA) 2019 in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government this time. In general, the Platinum trophy winners are new. They were Pertamina (SOE), Petrokimia Gresik (SOE Subsidiary), Bank Kaltimtara (ROE), West Java Provincial Government (regional government), and University of Indonesia (Institution). While the Ministry of Finance (Ministry) and Telkomsel (Private Corporation) are the defending champions.

BANDUNG, PR INDONESIA.CO – The Platinum Award is the highest appreciation given to ministries/institutions/SOEs/private corporations/SOEs Subsidiaries/ROEs subsidiaries which have collected the most awards in almost all lines of the 2019 PRIA category. Their victory was witnessed by the Governor West Java Ridwan Kamil and more than 500 public relations practitioners from all over Indonesia and leaders from regional heads to CEOs in Bandung, West Java, Thursday (28/3/2019).

An appreciation came from Governor Ridwan Kamil. The man who is popularly known as Kang Emil did not deny the strategic role of PR. Especially in the digital era like today where hoax and fake news can easily become viral. On the other hand, Indonesian people tend to be lazy to read and write. "This condition causes the country to believe in hoax and fake news. They tend to only read the news titles and can get easily provoked," said Kang Emil who is also the former Mayor of Bandung. "That is why the challenges of public relations today and in the future are not seeking information, but sorting out information," he added while advising that public relations practitioners always move to follow the dynamics of the times, remain relevant, and keep innovating because the world is getting more digital.


The holding of the fourth PRIA left a deep impression. Compared to before, the spread of participants and the quality of participants this year both in terms of programs and PR contents, are more creative and innovative. This was reflected during the judging session. Arif Mujahidin, the Director of Communication of Danone Indonesia, a new figure who sat among the judges of PRIA for the PR program and PR Department category, was even grateful to be able to witness the growing presence of public relations (PR) in the country. He hoped that the meeting of practitioners and PR programs from across agencies/corporations would not only stop at the competition. More than that, it could be a forum for coalition and collaboration, so that the program that has been carried out so far could have a wider impact.

Asmono Wikan, the founder and Editor in Chief of PR INDONESIA, who was also appointed as one of 15 judges, saw a number of participants were able to strengthen the institutional positioning of public relations as a strategic organization and considered important by the management. "This is exciting. Because the initial purpose of PRIA competition is to encourage public relations tasks and functions to have a more strategic position in the eyes of the management," he said.

Ariani Djalal, Deputy Expert IV of the Presidential Staff Office agreed. She saw a change in the structure of public relations in several ministries and institutions. "Now they have access to the top level management. In fact, their PRs are capable of conducting two-way communication," he said.

However, there were some notes for the quality of the participants this time. Judge Ariani, for example, saw that there were still many PR that were not yet fluent in utilizing technology that has developed in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, such as big data and artificial intelligence. Jonathan Krissantosa from DM ID, the judge in the category of Visual Identity and Owned Media, highlighted the lack of companies/institutions that were able to communicate the look of their brands to the fullest. This condition usually occurs because PR does not recognize brand assets and communicate them to the public consistently.

Meanwhile, Maria Wongsonagoro who was appointed as the judge for Public Relations Governance Guidelines, Crisis Management Guidelines, and Brand Visual argued that the participants needed to review communication guidelines and crisis communication guidelines according to best practice. "There must be a mentor. Furthermore, the guide can produce a roadmap and be used as a new guide for communication and crisis communication," said Maria who is also the Chief of Training of MISI.

Congratulations to the winner. See you at PRIA next year! ***



This year, PRIA divides the award into 19 categories which assessment is done by non-presentation and presentation. Non-presentation assessments consist of Print Media Categories, E-Magazine, Websites, Social Media, Applications, Profile Videos, Pre-crisis, Crisis, Public Relations Governance Manual, Annual Report, Sustainability Report, Brand Visual Identity. While the presentation evaluation included Sustainability Business, Community Based Development, Corporate PR, PR Marketing, PR Government, PR Department, and Digital PR.

The number of the 2019 PRIA entries reached 476 entries, it increased compared to last year which was 363 entries. The non-presentation judging was held on February 22 and 25, 2019, while the judging of the presentation was held on 4 - 6 March, 2019.

There were 15 judges appointed. They were Asmono Wikan (Judge of Owned Media, PR Program and PR Department Category); Magdalena Wenas, Arif Mujahidin, Ariani Djalal, Irwa R. Zarkasi (Judge of PR Program and PR Department Category); Maria Wongsonagoro (Judge of Public Relations Governance Guidelines, Crisis Management Guidelines, and Visual Brands Category); Nico Wattimena (Judge of Public Relations and Crisis Management Category; Salman Noersiwan Bachtiar (Judge of Annual Report and Sustainability Report Category); Ika Sastrosoebroto (Judge of Owned Media and Digital Canal Category); Arbain Rambey (Judge of Owned Media Category); Jonathan Krissantosa (Judge of Owned Media, Digital Channels, and Brand Visual Identity Category); Titis Widyatmoko (Judge of Digital Canal Category); Maria Dian Nurani, Gunawan Alif, SAM August Himmawan (Judge of Sustainability Business and Community Based Development Category).



PR INDONESIA is a company that houses PR INDONESIA Magazine, a monthly magazine that reported activities, agendas, strategic issues, prominent thoughts and figures related to the world of public relations (PR). PR INDONESIA also holds a variety of off-print activities such as Public & In-house PR Training, Workshop Series, PR Certification, PR Meet Up, and PR Conference and Awards. In addition, PR INDONESIA also encourages the regeneration and improvement of the quality of public relations through several activities such as PR Rookie Star, ICON PR, INSAN PR INDONESIA, and PR INDONESIA Fellowship Program.