In the digital era, to take a leap and give benefits, collaboration and adaptation is a must.
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – That was the statement of Erick Thohir, The Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOE) when he opened the 2020 National Public Relations Convention (KNH) on the second day, Saturday (12/5/2020). According to him, the pandemic has pushed communication and information technology to develop faster. This condition changes the order of all levels of society. As a result, now is no longer the time to prioritize sectoral egos or choose based on closeness.
Now, it's time to make digital an option. Meanwhile, digital collaboration and adaptation is a must. In particular, in strategizing and for taking great leaps.
"Vision, leaps, policies, innovations, solutions, benefits and impacts need to be conveyed and narrated to the public," he said. Contextual and directed communication must be carried out in collaboration between institutions, business actors and their leaders. However, fast motion, solutions, and leaps, require a clearly directed vision. As well as meaningful meanings and benefits despite difficult conditions.
Erick continued, on the other hand, the best defensive human have against pentagon is not isolation, it is information. "Information has become very important in the midst of information and misinformation in the digital era and the pandemic. Every narrative has to compete tightly for attention," he said.
Meanwhile, narrative and misinformation are very easy to spread in this hyper-digital era. Forming an opinion, so that it can spark action. Everything is determined by the design of public communication.
Therefore, the role of public relations practitioners is very important. Its existence is no longer merely an agent of change, but as the frontline guards who are guarding reputation and trust wherever they are. The role of public relations is increasingly strategic and essential as part of the solution to strengthen society to adapt and build national optimism for a healthy Indonesia, a working Indonesia, and a complete Indonesia. "Capacity, capability and adaptive, innovative and collaborative character are the keys that PR must have," he explained.
Pentahelix Synergy
Erick gave an example, currently, the government through the Committee for Covid-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery is aggressively disseminating policies and plans to present Covid-19 vaccines and vaccinations independently. Meanwhile, the Ministry of SOE and the SOE health ecosystem are moving to prepare themselves to support the independent vaccine program with the private sector, information system architecture, integrating one data and platform from various ministries and institutions ranging from the Health Care and Social Security Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesian Military, National Police, to the Ministry of Communication and Information.
In addition, preparing the distribution of digital ecosystem vaccination services, which was originally planned for the future, is now being realized with the pandemic. And, this can be realized with a vision, innovation, and synergy for the country. "We are exerting all our power and efforts so that we can restore health, raise productivity and end the pandemic together," he said.
Therefore, the government and the Ministry of SOE have made public communication the key to the success of the vaccination program as well as independent vaccination. They also develop strategies and carry out various public communication initiatives using both mainstream media and social media to disseminate proactive narratives and minimize misinformation.
"We also conduct pentahelix synergy by conducting socializations to governors, regents, and mayors, embracing religious leaders, experts, as well as businessmen," he said. In fact, he continued, they also took an approach that emphasized aspects of local wisdom such as art performances. Minister Erick believes that with various innovations, fast steps, and collaboration involving various sectors and levels of society, this country will soon recover. (rha)
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